Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why blog?

I have wanted to start a blog for a long time. Only because it seems to be the thing to do. Everybody does it. And everybody thinks I should too. I was even quick to start a new page and setup all the fonts, colors and backdrop just the way I liked it. I guess that doesn't count yet as having a blog .....

So why blog? Whatever I have to say I am sure a million people have said before. There's probably even a blog out there that says exactly this same thing. I am not going to stumble upon a brilliant thought that no one else has had, am I?

Maybe we blog to keep a record of our memories, or what we saw, what we did etc. But then we could do it in private. Isn't that what diaries are for? Maybe we want to show off. Tell the world how great we are. Maybe the real world does not provide us with enough friends around us. Maybe we want to find more friends in the virtual world online. Maybe it gives us a sense of self-importance, silly but satisfying the ego just that little bit.

I have tried many times to start a blog. But I have always felt uneasy about it. I don't want to start something that I will be enthused about for a few weeks and then forget about - those things have a very unfinished feeling about them that I greatly dislike. So maybe that is what bothers me about a blog - there is no end to it. At least, no clear logical end. Maybe I fear that I am committing to a project that will eventually become either a never-ending chore or a disappointment. And yet, somewhere inside I do want to write articles. I see others' blogs and am impressed .... So, why do I want to blog? I think it is because I like to talk. I like to tell people what I feel, what I think, what I discover, what I experience ..... and by blogging I speak to no one in particular, just to the outside world in general. Even if no one reads it, I feel like I have told someone. Maybe that is indeed good enough a reason ....

Ironically, this has become a catch-22 situation. In expressing that I don't see any reason to blog, I have found a reason to do so .....

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